I first discovered DoYogaWithMe.com through the magic of Google. I was looking for online yoga videos, and this popped up. There was no looking back. 🙂
This post is going to sound like an advertisement, but it’s actually not – just a tribute to a wonderful website that I have really enjoyed over the years.
They have a huge archive of free videos targeted at all levels of practice, and have seen me through many life changes.
You can sort the videos by difficulty, length and style, so it’s really easy to find something that suits your needs on any given day.
When I was more active and had a regular yoga practice, I enjoyed the more challenging videos. (They have a teacher with the brilliant name Fiji McAlpine, and her classes are fab.)
When I was pregnant, I bookmarked my favourite prenatal videos (like this one and this one).
After giving birth, this 20 minute video with Ron Stewart provided just the right balance of energy and gentleness I needed. His unapologetically positive attitude was just the pick me up I needed, and helped me get excited about starting to move again. (At least, during the moments where I wasn’t so sleep deprived that every spare moment was spent in bed.)
More recently, I’ve been really excited by their programmes, like a 7-day or 30-day challenge that combine classes to give you a programme or goal to work towards. (This beginner one is free!)
As I begin the process of trying to rebuild my fitness, I’ve found this to be a wonderful resource. Mostly, I’ve just been focusing on doing a one-off easy video when I can. But I’m hoping to be able to tackle one of these challenges in the next couple of months.
After so many years of using their videos, I decided to sign up for an annual subscription. Partly this was because it felt like a lovely thank you for the hours of fitness support I had gotten from them; and part of it was pure self-interest, as there are some fantastic sessions you need to pay to unlock.
That said, you don’t need any experience or any cash to get started with them – just an internet connection and a willingness to set aside enough time to do a video.
Bonus: they have a weekly newsletter that gives you the run down on all the new stuff, and also serves as a little reminder to make room in your schedule for Yoga. (There’s a box in the sidebar that lets you sign up.) It’s wonderful to have their bulletin arrive in my inbox once a week.
This week, they opened with this wonderful quote:
“Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth.”
– Ludwig Borne
Isn’t that lovely?
Whether you’re a devoted practitioner or just yoga-curious, I highly recommend DoYogaWithMe.com. It’s a great way to bring a bit more fitness and mindfulness into our lives, no matter the circumstances.