I feel like I’m already losing the lessons cancer taught me

It hasn’t even been confirmed yet that I’m stopping chemotherapy. But my mind is already moving ahead. And I feel feel like I’m already starting to lose the lessons that cancer taught me. There is enormous clarity that comes in the face of this kind of diagnosis. It focused my mind and energy on what …

Imagine a seed in the palm of your hand

Imagine a seed in the palm of your hand. Imagine it bursting, carefully, into life. Imagine the roots curling around your fingers, up your arm – around, and over and under, and through your entire body – delicate and flexible, but with the unbreakable promise of finely spun wire. Imagine those roots filling your body …

A quick solution for an Indian food craving during chemo (or anytime!)

Guys, I cooked!!! (Please see photographic evidence.) Technically, ‘cooked’ might be an overstatement. But I bought food, made it hot, and put it on plates. Given the fact that I haven’t been able to do this – or even set foot into a grocery store for months – this feels like a big win! I’ve …