the space between

between the question and the answer there is a space whether it isthe blink of an eye or an interminable stretch this is the placewhere we all live every birth is a question every deathis an answer and lifeis the state ofjoyous uncertaintythat hoversin the airbetween every breathof our universe Note: I normally love using …


For Anita For the little girlFor whom flowersWere not enough Unless they couldBreathe fire andNip your fingers I treasure herFierce imagination,Her gentle heart And her eye forBeauty that seesBeyond surfaces Note: I got an email that the Mother’s Day flowers might not have arrived, so I made these instead. Love you, Mama. Photo by Ashkan …


For Mother’s Day Fused, viscerallyBlood and boneBodies knittedTogether, whole Then – over timeA gradual shiftingSo small, so slowIt happens invisibly And yet somehowFurther and furtherWe drift apartThe world remakingItself Painless on the surfaceYet violent beneathPressure buildsRivers of magma flowPropelling the futureCracking and colliding Until an ocean stands Between our bodies It’s natural, necessary –How the …