The time has come!
I’m creating an email list / newsletter.
Basically, it means you can sign up to get updates by email, to your inbox, instead of coming to this site or checking social media.
Important stuff first…
Why you might want to sign up:
- Find out when there are new posts on Where The Roses Bloom
- Stay updated on my cancer journey
- Hear about what I’m creating / my artistic work
- It’s free
Join at:
The backstory: And suddenly, there was a Newsletter!
One of the things I’ve loved most about creating within the digital space of this blog is having the flexibility to play with things on my own schedule.
That’s been amplified by the fact that, up to this point, no one has known it exists.
Having the ability to place posts where they fit into my personal chronology means that it’s the truest reflection of my experience. But it also means that it’s almost impossible to find new posts, since they are often buried deep in the archive.
There is really something to be said for the immediacy of blogs – the fact that writing is created and pushed out so quickly.
There’s a reason that on blogs, the newest posts are always on the top. They are about what is happening now.
I’ve embraced that spirit in my own writing – trying to capture the moment rather than a longer period of experience.
But the truth is, sometimes I like to take a bit more time to reflect on those stream-of-consciousness musings.
Some of the things I write on this blog are quite personal, and sometimes I need a some space to decide whether it actually feels right to share them.
I also appreciate having a chance to reflect to make sure the words I’ve written reflect how I truly feel – an articulacy that can get lost when working in haste.
Over time, it became clear to me that when I reached the point of sharing this work, I would need a newsletter or mailing list to share new musings.
And so, here it is.
Why Substack?
I’ve decided to go with Substack for a number of reasons.
The first, and most important one for me, is that most mailing list software options aren’t really designed for writers. They’re set up for marketers.
The Substack interface puts the writing front and centre. There’s no requirement to add things like marketing buttons or get bogged down in technicalities.
Also, it stands out from the crowd by being free – both for creators and users. Most other softwares start charging at a certain point. There is zero obligation to monetise on Substack. Win for everyone!
I’m intrigued by the fact that the Substack platform is still relatively new. I think there are some interesting creative possibilities to explore, and I’m interesting to see how things develop.
What will be in the newsletter?
I’m going to be playing around with the format a little bit until I figure out what feels right. But you can expect to find:
- Notification about new posts on this blog
- Information about my health and how I’m doing with my current cancer treatment
- Ideas on how you can help if you want to (Example: I’m currently looking for hot tips on good pillows) – I’m calling this ‘Hivemind Fun’ for now
- Links to cool art that other people are making
And I suppose we’ll see how it goes from there!
Thanks for reading. If this work speaks to you it would be lovely to have you along for the ride.
Link again (and yep, it’s free):
Photo: A.C. Smith