January 1 is the wrong day to start new year’s resolutions

Why do we start our resolutions on January 1st? A far more auspicious time to start new endeavours would be on the first new moon of the new year. I came across the information this week that most people don’t make it past January 19th with their new year’s resolutions. I’m not surprised. I’ve been …

Insomnia companion, part 6: The Hallway

You find yourselfIn a a long hallwayYou walk and walkThe distant doorFeels like it will neverDraw closer Then suddenly, your handIs on the knobYou turn it and walk through And find yourselfIn another hallwayYou can just see the doorOn the horizon lineYou push forwardWith every bit of energyMaking no progress Until all at onceYou feel …

Insomnia companion, part 5: The Sponge

You might think That the thingUnderneath your headIs a pillow But maybeIt is a sponge It slowly soaks upThe worriesOf the day Feel Your anxieties trickleDown the backOf your neckOut of the baseOf your skullWhile you stareAt the ceilingIn the watchful darkness Or perhapsEveryday stressesDribble slowlyOut of your earDrip, drip, dripEvery so slowlyWetting your spongepillowAs …

The fog

Today, I am tired. I slept – but in strange, broken fragments. Some of it feels like my fault. Some of it feels beyond my power to control. Like much of the world, stayed up past my bedtime, watching in shock as right wing terrorists stormed the Capitol building. I burned off the anxiety stirred …

Purple Lion

A purple lionGuards the gateTo my dreams I bring him hunksOf my raw and ready fleshAnd an ice cream Sandwich just in casePurple lions preferThat sort of thing He gives me a milky grinFlecks of chocolateDangling from his chin  And I slip through the bars Which have somehowBecome elastic and yieldingStretching to accommodateAll of meEven the self-made …

Insomnia companion, part 4: the sacred spider

Imagine an agile arachnid Gently spinning a gossamer web Over your eyelids Feel the subtle weight  Of her silken net The little being Dances and soars Creating an imaginary eye pillow A growing, welcome pressure Weaving waking dreams You could open your eyes But why not wait Just a bit Let the spider Do their …